Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where you can almost taste the spices in the air...

Many years ago, I remember watching this movie - had I never seen it, I would not have been inspired to travel, try curry, or shop at the World Import store for teas. The journey and cultural change for the main character Sara is indeed engaging - taking you from the heart of India (the warmth and the sun), to the streets of New York City (so very cold and dreary). This film captures the simple child-like mind of fantasy, dreams, unconditional love, as well as the reality of life... war, hate, separation, and despair...but in the end faith, hope, and patience prevail when Sara is reunited with her (thought to be deceased) father. Without the polarizing opposites being captured through amazing cinematography, I fear this movie would have been lost to the masses... but no, it remains a classic tale every child (or adult for the matter) should see. The progress of friendship between Becky and Sara is the most moving to watch as the film unfolds to reveal the irrelevancy of one's skin color, but rather the bonds shared together. So, if you're reading this and have never watched this film, do your self a favor and make a movie night of it with your family... it will NOT disappoint, and will leave you holding the last tissue from the klinex box. You'll ask yourself, "how did I ever go without seeing this?" A treasure to cherish with your other "classics."

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